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3D Modeling and Animation at Berkeley
We are a student organization dedicated to education, research, and creation in fields encompassing, and related to, the production of 3D animation. We provide a group for students who are interested in working in the 3D animation or related industries, researching in relevant fields, or simply for students who are interested in learning about the topic. To facilitate a healthy ecosystem of support, we run a DeCal class called UCBUGG: 3D Modeling & Animation ( We also host guest lectures related to the topic of 3D Modeling & Animation, to help students pursue their career and self-learning goals. To join, just hop on our Discord ( and follow us on social media. That's it. No apps, dues, etc.
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A.N.T.I. : Artistic Nerds 4 Theatre Inclusivity
The vision behind A.N.T.I. is much broader than just providing a performance space to promote inclusivity. We stand to create an atypical platform for performances, allowing for students to create more devised or individual pieces, politically-charged or focused performances, and non-traditional classic theatre productions. From breaking gender roles in casting, to pushing away racial stereotypes, to even developing minority-based perspectives, A.N.T.I. strives to promote what a theatre company for actionable social change to the existing problems within the theatre industry can look like. While our goal for supporting inclusivity is related to many departments and clubs on campus, A.N.T.I. is different because our primary goal is to be inclusive and to create a theatre company on campus that specifically and primarily focuses on promoting the recognition of an individual's artistry, whether it be identity-based, politically-focused, or just artistic expression.
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Academic Cultural Enrichment Coaches
ACE Coaches teaches weekly Saturday classes to 3rd grade to 5th grade students at the San Francisco Chinatown YMCA. We not only provide academic support but also create a space in which our young students can maintain a connection to their Chinese heritage. Our club was founded especially to provide academic support to students residing in SF Chinatown's SROs*, or single room occupancy hotels. Coaches help to prepare and lead lessons that engage our students' creativity and critical thinking in the subjects of English, math, science, and cultural enrichment! We also host many fun socials for team bonding. *SF Chinatown's SROs are often only 8'x10' in size, and many of our students reside in a single unit with their entire families. Many of the inhabitants of San Francisco Chinatown's SROs also live below the federal poverty line. The ACE Coaches program provides critical academic support to these students, who might not otherwise have a dedicated space for studying in their life.
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What is acts2fellowship? Acts 2 is a passage in the Bible describing people devoted to studying the Bible, to prayer, and to one another. “Fellowship” is simply another word for friendship—friendships that develop through discovering life together from God’s perspective with its many challenges. Many of us attend the same church and welcome all types of people to do life with us. Whether you’re a Christian eager to grow in your faith with like-minded friends or someone who’s curious to learn more about Christianity, we welcome you!
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Adventist Christian Fellowship
WELCOME to Adventist Christian Fellowship! ACF fosters a community of both college level students and young professionals in the Bay Area looking for a spiritual family to be apart of. We welcome people from all walks and different backgrounds into a relationship with Christ and the community. Together, we study the word and try to understand the greater roles we have as modern-day Christians, and how to best practice living the Kingdom of Heaven. ACF is proud of the support system it has created, as well as the open dialogue that it has started between members of our community. We invite you to join us, visit us, talk to us, or simply, come eat with us! Visit our page at
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