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College Club Logo (Kings Crown Shakespeare Troupe (KCST))
Kings Crown Shakespeare Troupe (KCST)
The King's Crown Shakespeare Troupe, or KCST for short, is more than just a student theatre group--we are a family!  Our brand of Shakespeare has sometimes been called "nomadic," but we prefer to think of it as "too big for the stage." Our performances are free and staged at different locations around Columbia University's Morningside Heights campus.
www.kingscrownshakespearetroupe.orgWe are committed to providing free, quality theater for the Columbia community. In addition to the annual Spring Show, we produce one winter show and two fall shows, which are neither necessarily Shakespeare nor necessarily outdoors.
The King's Crown Shakespeare Troupe is an equal-opportunity acting company that does not discriminate on the basis of race, creed, gender, or talent.If you're an actor, designer or technician, we want you! To get involved, contact the King's Crown Executive Board at kcst.eboard@gmail.com.
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Contact : kcst.eboard@gmail.com
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# Theatre