Sabor is Columbia's first Latino Dance Troupe. Since 2003, Sabor's repertoire has extended beyond just being a Latin dance team. Staying true to our name, we have explored other styles including: hip-hop, bhangra, modern, tap, and much more! Though, only a dance team members share a strong bond and become more of a family. Our team also has our annual community service initiative, Releve. Every year we invite high school students from under-funded neighborhoods to attend workshops in the performing arts, financial aid, and college admissions culminating in a showcase for the Columbia community and their family and friends. The reason for exploring different styles, becoming a family, and doing such communtiy service initiatives is because we firmly believe in our motto, "Un Grupo Unido Jamas Sera Vencido!," which transaltes to a united group will never be defeated. Please check our pages!!!