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College Club Logo (Zeta Beta Tau)
Zeta Beta Tau
ZBT was founded in 1898 AT Columbia and is the oldest fraternity on Campus.
Our Core Values are: Intellectual Awareness, Social Responsibility, Integrity and Brothely Love
We have a great alumni network including Robert Kraft (owner of the Patriots), Jeff Loeb (Writer of Lost and Smallville), Jerry Speyer (owner of Rockeller Center). Not to mention dozens of younger alumni working in financial services around NYC including firms such as JP Morgan, Goldman Sachs, UBS and former members who own their own hedge fund (Matt Rothfleich, Del Mar Assets). Matt also offers internships to ZBT guys at his firm in the Spring. To top it off our chapter advisor Doug Maine was CFO of IBM for 20 years and is now a partner at Brown Brothers Harriman (the oldest Investment Bank in the US). With all these resources at our disposable, I promise joining our fraternity will give you a strategic advantage over all the other men on campus applying for the same jobs.
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Contact : zetabetatau@columbia.edu
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# Interfraternity Council