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College Club Logo (Alpha Omega Campus Ministry)
Alpha Omega Campus Ministry
Spiritual & Religious
Gatherings: We are dedicated to being a community of people centered around Jesus. All our Bibletalks center on the Bible. We have group Bibletalks and also offer individual Bible Studies that dig into what it truly means to have a relationship with God. Typically our Bibletalks last about 45 minutes, with 15-20 minutes spent playing a game and laughing and 25-30 minutes dedicated to a guided discussions with questions about a passage or topic from the Bible and questions that the Bible itself asks of us.
Friday: We love being around each other and have Friday events as well, which are primarily designed to be a blast. With Friday activities like Giant Volleyball, Family Feud, PowerPoint Night and Paint Night, we have loads of fun.
For All People: All events are open to anyone, whether you consider yourself an expert on the Bible or you know nothing at all. The discussions are designed to appeal and engage people who call themselves "not that religious," as well as those who call themselves "very religious". This club is meant to help learn who Jesus really was and hear about the incredible life he lived.
Tuesday Bibletalk @ 7pm at East, outside Findley Commons
Thursday Bibletalks @ 6:30pm at Pollock, outside Pollock Commons
(Gatherings will be moved inside for rain and when it gets colder)
Friday Evening Fun locations vary
General members : Members : ###
 /  Board members :  /  Board : ###
Contact : sxc6248@psu.edu
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# Religion & Spirituality