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College Club Logo (Alpha Zeta)
Alpha Zeta
Founded nationally in 1897 and Established on the Penn State campus in 1898, Alpha Zeta is the original agricultural interest fraternity on campus and in the nation.  Our house, located next to Rec Hall and across from Waring Commons at 360 N Burrowes St was completed in 1915, making it the second oldest fraternity house on campus.  Our founding members had a significant influence on shaping the Farmer's High School of Pennsylvania into what we now know as The Pennsylvania State University. This is evident around the campus in the historic plaques and by the names of the buildings.  
Alpha Zeta is a member of the Interfraternity Council and participates in all IFC programs, events, and standards.  Alpha Zeta has continually achieved noteworthy rankings in both IFC and university-facilitated Standards of Excellence metrics.  
We are always looking for men and women to share our interest in agriculture and related fields, if you think you may be interested, please stop by the house or contact us!
Tate Jamison
President, The Morrill Chapter of Alpha Zeta
General members : Members : ###
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Contact : trj5241@psu.edu
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# Fraternities - Co - Ed