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College Club Logo (Axis)
Community Service & Volunteering
During THON 2024, Axis raised a total of $42,464.86, bringing the combined total for Axis since its founding in 2011 to $577,450.02! We work hard to maintain our position as a top 10 special interest fundraising organization. Axis was allotted 4 dancers for THON 2024! Since 2012, we have had hard working and dedicated members represent us on the THON floor - one of the highest honors in the THON community. In the past we have had first year members, underclassmen, and seniors selected to represent Axis for the 46. As long as you are passionate about THON and committed to our organization, you have the chance to dance! 
As a special interest organization, we are very family focused. We are so lucky to have been paired with the Calvanelli family. Throughout the year we get to interact with our THON child, Ayrton, his brother Declan, and his parents, Nicole and Joe. Since we are a smaller organization we have a strong relationship with our family, each of our members typically has the opportunity to meet our family in person. This year we are looking into creative ways to have our members connect with the Calvanelli's! 
Axis is a family. We place an emphasis on getting to know our members and planning events that help us to grow together as an organization. There are chances both in the beginning of the year and throughout the year to get to know each of our members and chairs. We value non-THON related activities and social events that allow our members to develop stronger bonds with each other. On top of this, Axis offers many opportunities for leadership development. There are various leadership positions and committees that members are given the opportunity to join. Members gain valuable experiences through these opportunities that they can apply to real-world situations. 
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Contact : egs151@psu.edu
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# Philanthropic