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College Club Logo (Clean Up State Project Club)
Clean Up State Project Club
Social Justice
Want To Be The Change?
State College is home to a diverse range of citizens - whether it be students, faculty, or families - that all want to share the beauty of this historic town. At the center of Pennsylvania, State College is a hub for travel, tourism, and entertainment that draws in hundreds of thousands of people yearly. 
Our campus remains consistently beautiful with support, maintenance, and attention from Penn State and the community. We would like to harness that mindset and motivation, and apply it to State College entirely. It is through this lens that we wish to establish a student organization, aptly named Clean Up State Project (CUSP) Club. 
Clean Up State Project is a community service organization that would be dedicated towards sustainability and community involvement through Penn State and with the State College residents. We expect to improve our time here on Earth, and where better a place to plan a better future than State College. We are on the CUSP of our future, and want to set a good standard for the coming generations. 
While we think about the effects of pollution and litter on our communities, CUSP wants to turn those thoughts into actions. Through donor drives, community cleanup, and outreach, we aim to mobilize our peers and neighbors into making tangible improvements for everyone to benefit from. Our activities will not only clear trash but foster a culture of care and respect for our environment.
As a Penn State affiliated organization, CUSP wishes to enhance the education of our students through promoting sustainability, community action, and environmental education. In the meantime until the Fall semester, we seek to develop lesson plans that we would be able to integrate into planned activities in the Fall and Spring. To gather and mobilize other students or interested parties, our club hopes to utilize career fairs and social media outreach. 
Looking ahead, we will hold elections for the positions of president, vice-president, treasurer, and secretary. We will host these elections in person. The members running for positions will have some time (~2 weeks) to prepare statements and plans for how they will contribute to the club. Once this period is over and we reach election day, we will have a formal meeting where we vote, and elect in the same night.
Some activities that CUSP plans to host throughout the semester include: Weekly litter and community remediation with the club, monthly in-person club meetings to discuss how we can improve for the future and survey the town, variations of donation-drives (food,clothing,etc.), guest speakers on relevant topics, and community-involved events. CUSP also emphasizes the importance of individual action in our communities, and plans to incorporate various lessons that contribute to personal growth and development as young individuals. 
Although community involvement plans are still being talked about and finalized, we are considering using Schlow County Library as a community gathering spot. 
Looking ahead, we will hold elections for the positions of president, vice-president, treasurer, and secretary. We will host these elections in person. The members running for positions will have some time (~2 weeks) to prepare statements and plans for how they will contribute to the club. Once this period is over and we reach election day, we will have a formal meeting where we vote, and elect in the same night.
I apologize for the brevity of this document, but look forward to sharing more details about our plans. As we step forward by investing our efforts locally, we can create ripples of change that resonate throughout all levels of the community, and beyond. 
Join us at CUSP, where every meeting will be to “sweep”, not speak!
General members : Members : ###
 /  Board members :  /  Board : ###
Contact : btg5172@psu.edu
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# Service & Changemaking