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College Club Logo (Dear Hero Program)
Dear Hero Program
Social Justice
The Dear Hero Program is a group of students united to boost the morale of deployed troops and help our nation’s veterans and their families back home. 
During the school year, we arrange many activities from fundraisers to care package events to letter-writing campaigns. We gather on holidays such as Memorial Day, Veterans’ Day, and September 11th in remembrance; we place flags around campus, attend Penn State memorial services or hold our own gatherings. One of our favorite events is the Military Appreciation Football Game where we set up a table where attendees can write their own letters to veterans or deployed troops. 
We are a small group, but we do BIG things. We do what we can for those that give the most. 
For more information and updates on meetings: follow us on social media!
Instagram: @dearheroprogram
2023- 2024 Officer Board: 
President: Kaleb Leidy 
Vice President: Michael Makowiec 
Treasurer: Sal Schiavone 
Fundraiser Chair: Open Starting Fall 2024  
Outreach Chair: Open Starting Fall 2024
Join Our GroupMe: https://groupme.com/join_group/62585883/O3UJt7o1 
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Contact : krl5488@psu.edu
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# Service & Changemaking
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