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College Club Logo (Engineers in Action Penn State Chapter)
Engineers in Action Penn State Chapter
Who are we? Engineers in Action is a service organization that strives to bring together students of all backgrounds to revitalize communities by constructing pedestrian footbridges over impassable rivers. During the rainy seasons, many communities do not have safe means to cross flooding rivers separating them from their markets, healthcare, and education. Isolation caused by impassable rivers is a root cause of poverty all over the world which is why EIA's mission is to empower today's students to become tomorrow's global leaders by building bridges with under-served communities.
What do we do? EIA's Bridge Program envisions a world in which global citizens connect across cultures to improve quality of life and ensure geography doesn't determine access to opportunity. This is why we have participated in 7 international bridge-building trips that take place for multiple weeks during the summer. Penn State EIA has had the opportunity to build bridges in Panama, Rwanda, and Bolivia. Every year, we select a team of about 4 to 8 students to participate in these life-changing projects.
What can you do as a Penn State student to help? EIA is a completely student-led organization. That means that we are involved in every aspect of the project from designing, fundraising, scheduling, to implementation in the summer. Great news - despite our name you do NOT have to be an engineer to be involved! You also do NOT have to travel to be part of the club. We will teach you everything you need to know about bridge building over the course of the year and have many activities to keep all members, not just traveling members, engaged. 
Join us on a bridge-building adventure of a lifetime! As bridges are built, they increase the community's economy by 16%, healthcare treatment by 17%, and children's enrollment in schools by 12%. For more information feel free to contact president@pennstatebridgestoprosperity.org, aek5598@psu.edu.
Be part of the change by Empowering Today and Inspirando el Mañana!
Join our GroupMe for club activity updates: https://groupme.com/join_group/103037486/jakhMjgm 
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Contact : smw6927@psu.edu
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# Engineering & Technology