The Glee Club is an auditioned ensemble of 50-65 tenor/bass voices singing music from medieval chant to commissioned twenty-first-century choral works. Rehearsal and performance of music composed for lower voices from the sixteenth to the twentieth centuries, including sacred and secular compositions. The Glee Club performs on campus at least once per semester, tours yearly, and has performed throughout Pennsylvania, the United States, Europe, and New Zealand. The goal of the ensemble is to provide artistic, meaningful, and successful choral performances. To achieve this goal, the learning objectives for individual students include attention toward individual vocal development, increased musicianship skill, and the discovery of new means of artistic expression. In addition to these individual objectives, the conductor of the ensemble also teaches directly toward the objectives of ensemble tone, blend, balance, intonation, dynamics, diction, phrasing, etc. Grades are determined by a combination of vocal and musicianship assessments (both written and aural) and attendance at rehearsals and performances. The ensemble is directed by Dr. Christopher Kiver, Director of Choral Activities.