Kalliope, Penn State’s undergraduate literary magazine, is sponsored by the Penn State English Department. The purpose of Kalliope is to further the ideals of free and open literary expression by establishing a writing community. It also provides a literary outlet through the publication of student work, public readings, and lectures. Kalliope includes works of fiction, nonfiction, poetry, and visual art. The selection process begins late in the fall semester and ends early in the spring semester. This period is followed by the production process, in which the staff designs and assembles the magazine. The resulting publication is printed and distributed before the end of the academic year. If you're new and want to get involved make sure to follow us on Instagram where we post regularly and join our Slack! (https://join.slack.com/t/kalliope-2024-25/shared_invite/zt-2q26oqhfm-tg46G~kD~XHcLKpFUgJGaA)