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College Club Logo (Reformed University Fellowship)
Reformed University Fellowship
Spiritual & Religious
RUF provides an in-depth ministry to university students firmly rooted in the authority of the Bible and its many applications. We are an on-campus community in Penn State seeking to experience the gospel in community with others, equip leaders for service during and after college, and to grow in wisdom and knowledge of the gospel as it relates to the Reformed tradition. With the skillful employment of student-led music, we communicate and comprehend the truths of the gospel. At RUF we focus on four main things: Christ, Community, Cause, Culture.
ARE YOU AN UNDERGRADUATE? We'd love for you to join us on Thursday nights at 7:15 in the Memorial Lounge (at Pasquerilla) for our large group gathering!  We also have small group Bible studies and fun activities throughout the week.  If you're interested please contact our RUF campus minister Matt Dabiero or one of the student officers listed below!  Also, check out our Instagram for announcements, giveaways, and other cool things!
ARE YOU AN INTERNATIONAL STUDENT? If yes, you’ve also come to the right place!
RUF-International values hospitality, understanding, and belonging for international students at Penn State. Life as an international student in a new place can be challenging. We are a community of students from all around the world who support and encourage each other. Come join us in helping to make Penn State and State College your home!
Click here to find out more information about RUF-I!
General members : Members : ###
 /  Board members :  /  Board : ###
Contact : matt.dabiero@ruf.org
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# Religion & Spirituality