Student Achievement Awards recognize undergraduate and graduate students for their outstanding achievements inside and outside of the classroom and are traditionally presented at the President or Graduate Award Ceremonies in the spring. Nominations for the Student Achievement Awards will be considered for the Eric A. Walker Award, John W. Oswald Award, and the Ralph Dorn Hetzel Memorial Award and are open to graduating seniors. Graduate Student Service Award and Jackson Lethbridge Tolerance Award are open to graduate students and graduate/undergraduates respectively. Student Service & Leadership awards & scholarships recognize the contributions students have made to impacting their community (on campus, locally, personally) through service, volunteerism, and leadership. Students may be eligible to receive the Charles & Sharon Bell Scholarship for Citizenship and Leadership; Craig & Maxine Millar Award; Felsburg/Gohn Leadership Award; Jaime Desmond Leadership Scholarship; Jane Wood Reno Memorial Scholarship; John & Veda Black Award; Laurel Award for Outstanding Service; Leopard Family Eclipse Award; Mary Lee Hobbs Steel Emerging Leader; Partisan Award; Rose Cologne Keystone Citizen Award; Smile for Sam Scholarship; Stan Latta Dedication Scholarship Student Leaders Scholarships provides financial assistance to students who have contributed to the activity and impact their student organization has made on the Penn State University Park campus through their leadership. Decisions are based on students’ contributions to their organizations, students’ contributions to the greater campus community, and financial need. Over 150 students receive this scholarship each year. Student Organization Awards recognizes the great work of Penn State's student organizations through their successful programs, new initiatives, national awards, individual student leader contributions, and much more. Awards include New Initiative; Membership Engagement; Professional/Student Development; Community Impact; Collaborative Efforts; Diversity and Inclusion Enhancement; OrgCentral Maximizer; Outstanding Event Planner, Financial Management, Member, Officer, and Advisor; Outstanding Service, Marketing, Philanthropy Event, and Sustainability Efforts; Innovative Program, Up-and-Coming Organization, and Outstanding Student Organization of the Year.