What kind of men are we? Zeta Psi is a historic, elite, and intimate brotherhood. Since 1847, we have taken pride in the caliber of schools we are at and the quality of men we invite to join. Zeta Psi has active chapters at the best schools in the United States, Canada, England, Ireland, and France, and from them, recruits the finest of men — leaders, scholars, athletes, and philanthropists. A uniquely valuable sense of community stems from our intimate size that groups with 100, 200 or more chapters can’t match. That sense of real brotherhood is very important to us, and it’s why we have such involved, life-long alumni. What makes a Zete? Zetes come together to have fun, enjoy life, get the most out of college, better ourselves, and form lifelong bonds of brotherhood. Despite all the fun that college brings, the main reason you came to school is to get an education with the hopes of that translating to success in life. All our brothers can attest that you get more than the necessary knowledge, experience, and skill from Zeta Psi. Our goal, and the reason we exist, is to help you succeed by graduating with that edge you need in life. The result: better and more successful men with great memories, lifelong friends, and the best experience you can have in college or beyond. What does Zeta Psi offer? Zeta Psi gives our brothers a competitive edge for life. Being active in the local chapter gives you an opportunity to learn many management skills which can be applied to the business world, to grow as leaders, and to find your individual strengths. All the while, you and your chapter are being supported by our central office and staff, and local and regional alumni. We offer hands-on alumni and career mentoring, career opportunities, nine annual Leadership Training Institutes in three countries, scholarships, and more.
Ideal Chapter The Ideal Chapter Model sets a framework for what each Zeta Psi chapter should strive to achieve. Some of these are simple steps that any chapter can take, some may take years to achieve or may be completely out of reach given the current situation. The key is to have a cogent plan that focuses on continuous improvement. This list is the basis of the IHQ’s system of chapter evaluation and is considered by the Awards Committee in determining chapter awards.
The ideal chapter has a clear and written process for recruitment, member education, comprehensive risk management and succession planning. The ideal chapter collects 100% of its assigned dues, protects its assets, and pays all debts within stated terms. The ideal chapter is in strict compliance with all aspects of Zeta Psi’s Risk Management Policy. The ideal chapter operates most effectively and efficiently with 40+ undergraduates. The ideal chapter consistently has a GPA higher than the All Men’s GPA on campus. The ideal chapter utilizes selective recruitment and an engaging member program which results in no more than a 5% attrition rate between prospective new members (bids signed) and initiates. The ideal chapter follows the honor campaign in all of its interactions with prospective new members. The ideal chapter has a 0% attrition rate of actives leaving the chapter before graduation. The ideal chapter graduates 100% of its undergraduates. The ideal chapter leads at least two community service endeavors each school year. The ideal chapter participates in most relevant campus activities/organizations and takes a leadership role in many. The ideal chapter lives in a house owned by the Elders and is always full. The ideal chapter embraces the Ritual of the Zeta Psi Fraternity.