The Aerial Robotics Team at Purdue (PART) manages a portfolio of Uninhabited Aerial System (UAS)design projects. It was formally a committee under the Purdue IEEE Student Branch. The mission ofthe Purdue Aerial Robotics Team is to mature students into principled industry leaders for their postundergraduate careers by executing a comprehensive industry standard approach to interdisciplinary design, prototyping, and systems engineering. Currently, PART designs, builds, and tests a two-vehicle system from the ground up each year to compete in an international competition. PART’s Uninhabited AerialSystem (UAS) air-drops an Uninhabited Ground Vehicle (UGV), both of which will complete a series oftasks demonstrating their ability to operate and navigate autonomously while performing remote sensingmissions representative of real-world problems. PART also engages in multidisciplinary research in theareas of collision avoidance, sensor development, and Vertical Takeoff and Landing (VTOL) aircraft.