In 1908, Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority became America's first Greek-letter organization established by Black college women. Since our inception, Alpha Kappa Alpha has become a channel through which selected college-trained women improve the socio-economic conditions of our cities, states, the nation, and the world.It is our purpose to cultivate and encourage high scholastic and ethical standards; promote unity and friendship among college women; study and help alleviate problems concerning girls and women; maintain a progressive interest in college life; and be supreme in service to all mankind.Under these principles of sisterhood, scholarship, and service the Epsilon Rho Chapter of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated was chartered on December 13, 1969 on Purdue University's Campus.Alpha Kappa Alpha responds to the contemporary needs of the Black community with comprehensive non-traditional programs.Service and sisterhood have been the cornerstone of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated® since 1908. With the theme, Soaring to Greater Heights of Service and Sisterhood, the 2022-2026 administration seeks to build upon Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority’s rich legacy of service by galvanizing our sisterhood of more than 120,000 active members to lead on the front lines of change, education, and advocacy.This administration has six initiatives. Strengthen Our Sisterhood will serve as the administration’s “Foundation Initiative” as we strengthen our bonds to support our service mission.The remaining five initiatives will serve as the “Program Initiatives” which include:Empower Our FamiliesBuild Our Economic WealthEnhance Our EnvironmentAdvocate for Social JusticeUplift Our Local CommunityThese initiatives are designed to improve the lives of those we serve. We will work collaboratively to maximize our outreach on progressive endeavors and consistently produce leaders who will advance our credo of service.Strengthen Our SISTERHOODOverviewFor more than a century, our sisterhood has served as the foundation for Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority to be an indomitable force for good—in our communities, states, nation, and the world.We will intentionally take time to fellowship and form lifelong relationships based on affinity, love, trust, respect, and shared goals and interests, while concurrently building on our foundation to serve others.Areas of focusAKA Soror SquadsSoror Squads are focused on building greater bonds of sisterhood around common endeavors or activities through intimate small groups.AKA PalsAKA Pals will allow members to create cross-regional relationships to allow for greater fellowship.Random Acts of SisterlinessRandom Acts of Sisterliness offer an opportunity for members to share random acts of care and compassion. “We Are One” AKA Service DayDuring our annual MLK Day of Service, all members will join together, volunteer and serve the community side-by-side.Leadership DevelopmentUndergraduate and graduate members, across all life stages, will engage in a modern, interactive, and high-impact leadership development program. Empower Our FAMILIESOverviewAlpha Kappa Alpha Sorority has a strong history of supporting and servicing families, for we understand a healthy family is the foundation of a healthy community.We will take a multi-generational approach to fortify families within our communities by addressing child hunger and promoting positive youth development and leadership, mental well-being, and senior life.Areas of focusChildhood Hunger Initiative Power Pack (CHIPP™)CHIPP provides weekend and holiday meals for children within local communities and is targeted to be Alpha Kappa Alpha’s most ambitious childhood hunger program to date.Youth Leadership Institute (YLI)YLI is a youth-led and highly interactive leadership development program designed to empower and engage youth, ages 11-13.Mental Health AwarenessDuring Mental Health Awareness month, we will use our collective efforts to fight stigma and raise awareness related to