ANS: NationalsThe American Nuclear Society is a not-for-profit, international, scientific and educational organization. It was established by a group of individuals who recognized the need to unify the professional activities within the diverse fields of nuclear science and technology. December 11, 1954, marks the Society's historic beginning at the National Academy of Sciences in Washington, D.C. ANS has since developed a multifarious membership composed of approximately 11,000 engineers, scientists, administrators, and educators representing 1,600 plus corporations, educational institutions, and government agencies. It is governed by four officers and a board of directors elected by the membership.ANS Nationals Website ANS: Purdue Student ChapterWe are committed to providing students with the knowledge, tools, and opportunities to achieve success in or out of the nuclear field. Student members play active roles in all facets of the ANS and students and their Sections are represented at the national level by the Student Director and the Student Sections Committee.CharterThe main objectives of the Society are the advancement of science and engineering relating to the atomic nucleus, and of allied sciences and arts, and the integration of the scientific disciplines constituting nuclear science and technology.Any Questions?Contact Noraa Silver: