No prior experience needed to draw and hang out with us!A chill, social place for any level of artist - starting out, amateur, hobbyist, aspiring professional, etc. - to do their favorite part of the pipeline (2D, character design, stop motion, key frames, etc.). We host workshops, movie nights, resources, and other special events on campus to celebrate the art of animation in Purdue.Every two weeks we announce an optional art prompt to inspire you or your group of friends to create art and animation. At the end of each prompt we present our work to the rest of the club and move on to the next. You can submit the work to be featured and credited on our Instagram posts to support the club and your reach!Each fall semester we organize Purdue's participating students in the annual global "24 Hours Animation Challenge for Students" and our own 48 Hour Animation Challenge locally each spring semester. These events help boilermakers learn animation, teamwork, and create lasting memories.