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College Club Logo (Boiler Green Initiative)
Boiler Green Initiative
Community Service & Volunteering
Boiler Green Initiative (BGI) is an organization focused on sustainability with backgrounds from a variety of disciplines on campus. Whether you are an expert in sustainability or you know nothing at all but are just eager to learn, this is the club for you. We currently have 2 project committees. These groups are under the umbrella of BGI with a more specific focus. They are Recycling and Water Management. We always welcome new ideas and focus groups! Our projects range from a few hours of volunteer work to the planning and implementation of semester long projects and beyond, depending on what you choose to help with. Boiler Green Initiative is a fun and active organization in which the members build strong relationships and leave a lasting impact on Purdue and the community. To learn more about each project committee and our club, check us out on Instagram (@bgi_purdue), or go to www.boilergreen.com. Most importantly, we'll keep you in the loop on Discord: https://discord.gg/qyWvySGTpQ.Meetings: Every Thursday 6-7 in WALC 3127! Questions about BGI? Send us an email at officers@boilergreen.com or contact us through our website!
General members : Members : ###
 /  Board members :  /  Board : ###
Contact : officers@boilergreen.com
Checkbox (selected) Preferred Skills :
Keywords :
# Political and Social Action
# Community Service & Civic Engagement
# Advocacy and Support