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College Club Logo (Chinese Tennis Association at Purdue)
Chinese Tennis Association at Purdue
普渡大学华人网球社(CTAP)成立于Fall 2023,致力于为不同水平的华人网球爱好者提供一个集社交,娱乐,和竞技于一体的平台。社团于每周固定时段会在Schwartz Tennis Center安排2-3次训练(视学期具体情况而定),内容涵盖休闲及竞技性质的单打与双打比赛,以及针对单项技术的专项练习。此外,CTAP会不定期地举办各类团建活动以及与普渡其他社团之间的友谊赛,同时积极鼓励成员们参与校外比赛,意在通过这些活动加强社团凝聚力,提升成员的网球技能,并促进成员间的感情。CTAP实行学期制成员资格。我们会在每学期开始前举行Open Court活动,目的是为了进行新学期的宣传及招新工作。活动结束后,会费缴纳链接将在BOSO平台上开放,有兴趣加入社团的同学可通过该链接缴纳会费以完成注册流程。我们预计每学期的社团成员人数会在30至50人左右。如有任何疑问,欢迎随时联络该学期的管理层成员,其联系信息可在SAO官网上查询。最后,秉持着以人为本的原则,CTAP的最终目标是将所有普渡的华人球友纳入我们的大家庭中。我们希望通过网球这个共同的爱好把所有人凝聚到一起,并将这些在球场上达成的连接延伸至生活中的诸多方面,使大家都能对CTAP有着深刻的归属感。因此,无论水平如何,只要你对网球抱有热爱,并且乐于以开放和友善的心态交流,CTAP便会有你的一席之地。我们期待会在未来的某一时刻与你相遇!The Chinese Tennis Association at Purdue (CTAP) was founded in Fall 2023, dedicated to providing a platform for Chinese tennis enthusiasts of varying skill levels that integrates socializing, entertainment, and competition. The club schedules 2-3 training sessions each week at fixed times at Schwartz Tennis Center (depending on the semester), covering recreational and competitive singles and doubles matches, as well as specialized practice for individual techniques. In addition, CTAP occasionally organizes team-building activities and friendly matches with other Purdue clubs, while actively encouraging members to participate in external competitions, aiming to strengthen the club's cohesion, improve members' tennis skills, and enhance interpersonal relationships.CTAP operates on a semester-based membership system. We hold an Open Court event at the end of each semester for the promotions and recruitment of new semesters. After the event, a link for membership fee payment will be posted on the BOSO website, and students who are interested in joining us can complete their registration process by paying the membership fee through this link. We anticipate the number of club members to be around 30 to 50 each semester. For any inquiries, feel free to contact the management team members of the current semester, whose contact information can be found on the SAO official website.Finally, adhering to a people-oriented principle, CTAP's ultimate goal is to integrate all Chinese tennis players at Purdue into our big family. We hope to unite everyone through our shared passion for tennis and extend these connections made on the court into various aspects of life, ensuring that everyone feels a profound sense of belonging to CTAP. Therefore, regardless of skill level, as long as you truly enjoy the fun of tennis and are willing to communicate and treat others with openness and kindness, there will be a place for you in CTAP. We look forward to meeting you at some point in the future!
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Contact : liu2940@purdue.edu
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# Hobby
# Club Sports
# Athletic and Recreation
# International