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College Club Logo (College Mentors for Kids)
College Mentors for Kids
Community Service & Volunteering
Office: Stewart G04D  Please fill out the application below by Monday, September 4th.Apply Online at https://members.collegementors.org/applicationFollow our Instagram for updates. @purduecollegementorsInterested in pairing with us for an activity? Email collegementorsprogramming@gmail.com  See our club description below:A growing nonprofit organization, College Mentors for Kids pairs over 2,000 first through sixth-grade children with 2,300 local college student mentors. College Mentors' signature mentor program has chapters on 31 college and university campuses. Through weekly after-school activities focused on higher education and career, culture and diversity, and community service, mentors help their "little buddies" understand the importance of education, show them the benefits to cultural understanding, and teach them ways to give back to their community.Mentoring relationships are not only beneficial for children, but the college students, as well. Mentors learn about the resources their campus offers, leadership skills and the need for positive role models in their communities.At College Mentors for Kids, we motivate kids and college students to reach their full potential to positively impact the community.We connect outstanding college students with children who need an older, positive influence in their lives. Each college mentor is paired one-on-one with a child from the Lafayette community where the mentor becomes a role model for the child. A strong relationship is built between the mentor and mentee. The children visit the Purdue University campus once a week and get a close up view of what higher education entails and the benefits of furthering their education. Throughout the year, these mentees will be exposed to new opportunities, which will inspire them to create a vision for their future. Aside from the classroom, we strive to improve the mentee's self-esteem and behavior, while guiding them to overall success in their future.
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Contact : cmfk@purdue.edu
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# Community Service & Civic Engagement