PLEASE NOTE THAT THE UNDERGRADUATE STUDENT BOARD IS AN APPLICATION BASED CLUB. FOR MORE INFORMATION ABOUT OUR APPLICATIONS AND HOW TO JOIN, PLEASE VISIT OUR INSTAGRAM @purdueusb.The Purdue Department of Computer Science is ever-growing and improving, and this growth requires active student involvement and assistance. The Computer Science Undergraduate Student Board exists to promote a supportive and engaged community within Purdue’s Computer Science Department, and to use its relationship with faculty, the Computer Science Corporate Partners Program, and administration to advocate for the student body. The goals of the board include: Reducing the communication gap between the students and the faculty by representing the concerns of the students,Facilitating the flow of communication between the faculty, staff, corporate partners and the students,Providing the computer science student body with a means of affecting the policy decisions of the department,Allowing the students, faculty, and administration of the computer science department easy access to dedicated, motivated students to help in departmental programs and recruitment operations, Teaching undergraduate Computer Science courses, mentoring or tutoring the undergraduate student body, and attending Computer Science events,Creating events for the Computer Science undergraduate student body,Exposing all students to opportunities within Computer Science at Purdue. Here is a video describing some of our initiatives.Here is our website. You can find a contact form on it, meant for any concerns/suggestions.Here is our Instagram, which lists all upcoming events/announcements.Applications open in December and close in January and will be available at this link: