Dynoco Racing at Purdue University is committed to excelling in Purdue's Grand Prix, with a vision to compete and win at the highest level. Our team leverages the collective expertise, creativity, and dedication of our members to showcase engineering excellence, foster a competitive spirit, and nurture a culture of continuous improvement and innovation.Beyond our immediate focus on the Grand Prix, we are dedicated to expanding our participation in other motorsport competitions within Purdue University. This allows us to broaden our reach, challenge our capabilities, and contribute more significantly to the motorsport community.A core value of Dynoco Racing is providing opportunities that might not be available elsewhere, especially for underclassmen. We believe in the importance of giving hands-on experience to students early in their academic careers, enabling them to apply classroom knowledge in real-world scenarios. By empowering underclassmen with responsibilities typically reserved for upperclassmen, we help develop the next generation of engineers and leaders, ensuring they have the skills, confidence, and experience to excel both within our team and in their future careers.