Mission:The Purdue Grand Prix Foundation facilitates an annual race to enrich the Purdue community by cultivating student opportunities while connecting a legacy of Boilermakers. Vision:The Purdue Grand Prix Foundation continues a tradition that instills an impactful, collaborative and meaningful experience by encouraging individuals to excel through a community of racing. Values:Pursuing Collaboration, Providing Development, Promoting Community Story of The Grand Prix Foundation:The Purdue Grand Prix Foundation, founded in 1958, is a student organization that is run by students for students. The primary purpose is to plan and execute the annual Purdue Grand Prix kart race. The main goal of the annual race is to raise funds for student scholarships. Annually over $10,000 is raised to award hard-working students all across campus. In addition to the Grand Prix Race, each year the Purdue Grand Prix Foundation sponsors various activities such as Sponsorship Showcase and Grand Prix Awareness Week.Driven by our motto "Students Helping Students," undergraduate students may become involved by serving on the Senior Board or Junior Board. In addition, the Purdue Grand Prix Foundation honors female students with high academic standing in the Queen Program. If you'd like to serve on the Junior Board, applications will be open in the early Fall semester. Applications for the Queen Program will be available during the Fall semester, and applications for the scholarship program will be available at the end of the Fall semester. Office Hours:Hours hours will be posted at the start of Fall semester.