Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, Student Chapter
HFES (Human Factors and Ergonomics Society) is a professional organization whose mission is to promote the discovery and exchange of knowledge concerning the characteristics of human beings that are applicable to the design of systems and devices of all kinds. The Society furthers serious consideration of knowledge about the assignment of appropriate functions for humans and machines, whether people serve as operators, maintainers, or users in the system. And, it advocates systematic use of such knowledge to achieve compatibility in the design of interactive systems of people, machines, and environments to ensure their effectiveness, safety, and ease of performance.PURDUE HFES CHAPTERIn 1993, the Purdue chapter was founded in order to unite students and faculty with interests in human factors and ergonomics. Members of the Purdue chapter come from a variety of disciplines, including Industrial Engineering, Computer Science, and Psychology.Purdue HFES is organized to serve the needs of the human factors profession at Purdue University. Its purpose is to promote and advance the understanding of human factors involved in the design, manufacture, and use of machines, systems, environments and devices of all kinds. This purpose is accomplished through the interchange of knowledge and methodology in the behavioral, biological, and physical sciences and in industrial, computer science and other relevant engineering disciplines.Want to join us?Please go to this link: