Institute of Nuclear Materials Management - Purdue Chapter
The INMM's straightforward mission statement underscores all of our work:"The Institute of Nuclear Materials Management is dedicated to the safe, secure, and effective stewardship of nuclear materials and related technologies through the advancement of scientific knowledge, technical skills, policy dialogue, professional capabilities, and best practices."The Institute of Nuclear Materials Management (INMM) was founded in May of 1958, and the first INMM Annual Meeting was held that next year in Columbus, Ohio. Since then, the Institute and the Annual Meeting has continued to grow. The INMM is headquartered in Deerfield, Illinois, and it has professional and student chapters around the country at schools like University of Michigan and Texas A&M; National Labs like Sandia and Oak Ridge; and around the world in countries like Korea, Nigeria, Russia, and Austria.The INMM is a professional organization that is subdivided into the following technical divisions:- Facility Operations- International Safeguards- Materials Control and Accountability- Nonproliferation and Arms Control- Nuclear Security and Physical Protection- Packaging, Transportation and DispositionPurdue's student chapter is focused on contributing meaningful discussion within these technical divisions. Our organization is international, interdisciplinary, and fun. So... "Come join the conversation!"