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College Club Logo (Korean American Scientists and Engineers Association Young Generation Purdue)
Korean American Scientists and Engineers Association Young Generation Purdue
KSEA (Korean-American Scientists and Engineers Association) is a non-profit professional organization established in 1971 and has been working to promote the application of science and technology for the general welfare of society and to foster international cooperation especially between the U.S. and Korea.YG Groups are sub-branches of KSEA Local Chapters, and are composed of KSEA members in College, Graduate School, and Working Professionals in their 20's and 30's.KSEA YG Purdue (Korean American Scientists and Engineers Association Young Generation) have constituted to establish an active forum for communication among Korean American students and professionals in the disciplines of science and engineering.KSEA YG Purdue operates under the auspices of KSEA Indiana Chapter (http://www.ksea-in.org/) and strives to become an integral part of Purdue's Korean-American Community.  KSEA YG Purdue Board Members (~Present)- Requirement: Attend at least 4 out of 7 meetings. 2012 Fall (14 members)President: Daniel LeeVice-President (Projects): Victoria Noe-KimVice-President (Projects): Kyung Hwan KimBoard Members: Alex Cho, Jun Hyung Lee, Jong Wook Park, Eu Young Kim, Soon Kyu Lee, Hyun Jung Yoon, Bokki Min, Yuna Choi, Ji Hee Han, Hyuk Jin Jang, Ji Ae Lee, Haun Kim 2013 Fall (13 members)President: Kyung Hwan KimVice-President (Documents/Web): Daniel LeeVice-President (Projects/Events): Hyun Jung YoonTreasurer: Yuna ChoiProject Director (Golden Bell): Jin Ho KoProject Director (Professor's Seminar): Ji Hee HanProject Director (Mentorship Program): Sola KimProject Director (Mock-Interview): Soon Kyu LeeMember Manager: Eric JaeYoon KimBoard Members: En Hyung Chang, Emma Seung Jeong, Anna Younjin Ku, Jae Young Yoon 2014 Spring (18 members)President: Yun Hwa ChoiVice-President: Ji-Hyun HanVice-President: Taek Hoon KimTreasurer: Sang Hun KimTreasurer: Hei In JungSecretary: Soi ParkHistorian: Yoo Jung KimEven Managers: En Hyung Chang(Golden Bell, Major Exhibition) Dayoon Kwon, Hyein Do (Mentorship), Young Hwan Sung (Debate Club), Hyoung Wuk Ji (Career Forum)Board Members: Ji Hyuk Woo, Jae Hong Jung, Hyuk Jun Jang 2014 Fall (18 members)President: En Hyung ChangVice-President: Taek Hoon Kim, Hyuk Jun JangSecretary: Soie ParkHistorian: Yoojung KimTreasurer: Hein Jung, Sung Young HwanEvent Manager: Hyein Do, Dayoon Kwon(Mentorship), Chaewon Ahn (Dinner with Professor), Hyung Uk Jee (Career Forum) 2015 Spring (18 members)President: Dayoon KwonVice-President: Hei In Jung, Hyein DoSecretary: Soie ParkHistorian: Sang Uk HanTreasurer: Si-Yeon ChoiEvent Manager (Mentorship): Soo Han Soon, Dong Yoo Jang, Yoo Young KimEvent Manager (Dinner with Professor): Jeong Yeon Jin, Bohyun JangEvent Manager (Career Forum): Charles Cho, Sam ChoiEvent Manager (Golden Bell): Hyung Sung Ko, Ki Wook Lee, Hanhnsoul OhPromotion: Rurie Lee, Hye Yoon Jung  2016 Spring (8 members)President: Soie ParkVice-President: Heiyun Jung, Jungyeon JinSecretary: Minjung KimTreasurer: Minseon GimEvent Manager: Dongjun Kim, Sam Choi, Rurie Lee 2017 Fall -2018 Spring(16 members)President: Jaehong JungVice-President: Hyukjun JangSecretary: Jaejung ChoiTreasurer: Jaejung ChoiBoard member: Chulwoo Park, Eunhui Yoo, Minyoung Kang, Sungwuk Choi, YeeJin JangGeneral member: Donghyun Kim, EuiEun Noh, Evelyn Choe, Hansoo Kim, Jinyoung Myung, Jongkyu Hwang, MinYoung Kim, Yuchan Lee, DaHyun Oh, Dongwoo Ryoo, Soohong Ahn 2018 Fall -2019 SpringPresident: Minyoung KangVice-President: Sungwook ChoiSecretary: Soohong Ahn, Dongwoo RyooTreasurer: Yeejin Jang 2019 Fall -2020 SpringPresident: Sung-Woo JangVice-President: Ghunwoo JangSecretary: Yeejin JangTreasurer: Jaeyoon KimBoard Member: Dong Woo Ryoo, Byung Wook Kim, Soohyun Son, Donghyun LeeGeneral Member: Soungwan Jo, Jungun Kim, Yoongyeong Jeong, Ghunwoo Jang, Jihyun Pyun, Hyunwoo Cho, Sangjun Park, Jisoo Kim, Juhee Kim, Ji Won Lee, Angela Jungmin Kim 2020 Fall -2021 SpringPresident: Soomin KimVice-President: Jeongyeon ChoSecretary: Jihyun PhunTreasurer:
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Contact : ksea.purdue@gmail.com
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Keywords :
# Ethnic / Cultural
# College / School and Department
# Community Service & Civic Engagement
# International