Purdue Model United Nations (PMUN) is a student organization at Purdue University and is a simulation of the United Nations. Student delegates represent UN member nations to address specific issues of both current and past interests, attempting to resolve national and international issues through debate and negation. Founded in August 2011, PMUN strives to help Purdue students embrace the spirit of the United Nations charter and gain a better understanding of current events affecting us all. Led by an executive board of seven students, all in different majors, PMUN has focused its efforts in three aspects: I. Membership Membership and participation is free from discrimination based on race, religion, color, sex, age, national origin or ancestry, marital status, parental status, sexual orientation, disability, or status as a disabled or veteran. Selection of members is based on the ability to learn and work with the other members, as well as the desire to contribute to the club. Due to the variety of topics that are debated, PMUN accepts members from all academic backgrounds as it will debate on committees such as, but not limited to, Commission of Sustainability and Development, World Health Organization, International Atomic Energy Agency, and Security Council. II. Education PMUN is committed to educating its members in the following aspects: the changing UN member nation which the organization will represent at each conference, an in-depth purview on the issues which will be covered including critiques from both sides, a comprehension of parliamentary procedure, enhanced negotiation and debating skills, and a the ability to persuade other delegates in each committee. III. Conferences PMUN attends multiple conferences throughout the academic school year. Some of the conferences we have participated in are the Harvard National Model United Nations Conference hosted by Harvard University and held at the historic Park Plaza Hotel in downtown Boston, the National Model United Nations Conference held in New York City, and ChoMUN which is held in Chicago, IL and hosted by the University of Chicago. If you are interested in joining Purdue Model United Nations, please contact us through the means below or our clubs primary officer of contact.