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College Club Logo (Pediatric Pharmacy Education Done by Students)
Pediatric Pharmacy Education Done by Students
The group will advocate for the health of local children and further advance current knowledge regarding pediatric disease states. Through pharmacy education regarding the treatment and prevention of disease in the pediatric population, we will attempt to reduce the hesitancy associated with selecting appropriate treatment which exists in current pediatric pharmacy practice. Our presence in the community will facilitate us in maximizing medication safety as it relates to the pediatric population. The organization will provide leadership opportunities and information for students concerning career opportunities in pediatric pharmacy. Furthermore, we will foster relationships between Butler and Purdue collegiate members and professionals in the community while adding a student voice to PPAG at the local and national level.
General members : Members : ###
 /  Board members :  /  Board : ###
Contact : PPEDSPurdue@gmail.com
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Keywords :
# Graduate and Professional Student Organizations
# College / School and Department
# Community Service & Civic Engagement