• Be sure to email the President, Thomas Slamecka (tslameck@purdue.edu) and he will send you the links for the club Discord/GroupMe. This is where most of our discussions and announcements occur. •____________________________________________________________________At Purdue Astronomy Club (PAC), we welcome all students from Purdue University - West Lafayette, hobbyists and beginners alike, to explore the fascinating and challenging field of astronomy!As an active student-run organization, we operate under three general motivations:• To promote interest in the field of astronomy through meaningful discussions of past/current events and by advancing knowledge of the field; to acknowledge astronomy's relevance in society as both an art and a science.• To develop basic technical skills relevant to amateur astronomy, such as astrophotography, telescopy, spectroscopy, image processing, etc.• To actively conduct public outreach by hosting events such as public talks, star parties, etc.We welcome all majors and value interdisciplinary understanding of astronomy! Come study the stars with us!