Formula SAE (FSAE):The concept behind FSAE is that a fictional manufacturing company has contracted adesign team to develop a small Formula-style racecar. The prototype racecar is to be evaluatedfor its potential as a production item. The target market group for the racecar is the non-professional weekend autocross racer. Each student team designs, builds, funds, and tests a prototypebased on a series of rules whose purpose is both to ensure onsite event operations and promoteclever problem solving.FSAE promotes careers and excellence in engineering and business as it encompasses all aspectsof the automotive industry including research, design, manufacturing, testing, developing,marketing, management and finances. FSAE takes students out of the classroom andallows them to apply textbook theories to real work experiences.THE CHALLENGEStudents are to assume that a manufacturing firm has engaged them to produce a prototypecar for evaluation. In addition to technical skills, students acquire management, marketing andpeople skills - so vital across all sectors of employment.By encouraging teams to be innovative and to work on both the technical and business aspectsof the project, Formula Student gives students from around the world the ideal opportunity tolearn new skills and showcase their talent.How to Join PER:Please look through our website below for more information about the club and what we do as a team. If you're trying to get involved at the beginning of a semester, I would recommend attending the B-Involved fair, or check our social media channels to find us (pelectricracing on instagram is the most active). If you would like to get involved mid-semester, we meet every Thursday at 7pm. Please ask to see the current President or one of the chiefs and state that you are a new member and we will get you going on a new project!