Purdue Intercollegiate Quadball AssociationPurdue Quadball is quickly making a name for ourselves amongst the quadball community. We have made it to nationals the past two years for the first time since 2015, and competed at the D2 level against other collegiate quadball teams. We also have excellent relations with other teams and pride ourselves on our sportsmanship. We are always looking for more talent to join our official team and continue to defend our good name and reputation at tournaments around the nation.Not athletic or just want to play for fun? Don't be intimidated! We also practice casually 2-3 times a week on Purdue's campus and have social events around every other week.Join now if you would be interested in playing! Being a part of this Discord will help you get notified about our games and events. We usually play on the Black and Gold Fields (behind the Co-Rec) or at the TREC during colder weather. If you see us, feel free to invite your friends and jump into a game!Our Discord:https://discord.gg/Ghubg5cHInstagram Page:@purduequadballIf you want to join, send us an email at purduequidditch@gmail.com or contact Shayna Morris at morri20@purdue.edu and we'll send you all the necessary information.Intercollegiate Quidditch AssociationThe IQA started in 2005 as an intramural league at Middlebury. The rules were adapted from JK Rowling's Harry Potter novels by Alexander Manshel, the first Quidditch Commissioner.In 2006, Alex Benepe took over as the Middlebury Commissioner, and in 2007, he founded the IQA, following the first Intercollegiate Quidditch match between Middlebury College and Vassar College on November 11th, 2007.Since then, more than 300 institutions from around the world have joined the league. The vast majority are based in the US, and are divided among five regions: The Northeast, Southeast, Midwest, Southwest, and Northwest. Other countries with teams or leagues that play by the IQA rules include Canada, Mexico, Argentina, England, Iceland, France, Israel, and Australia.