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College Club Logo (Purdue One Health Club)
Purdue One Health Club
Political & Advocacy
As individuals soon joining a health profession, we recognize the value of collaboration, education and exploration outside our realm to really make a positive impact on our planet. With this One Health concept in hand, we are seeking to reach out to others at Purdue to collaborate as students and future colleagues, to spark connections, increase awareness, and to have discussions about the issues impacting us and our future.  From zoonotic/emerging diseases, global food crisis, issues facing various professions, to antibiotic resistance, we want to bring in speakers to present different perspectives, have case discussions, and many other ideas are in the works!We will be offering collaboration and connections among various professions represented here at Purdue University. A particular focus will be placed on those involved in the health of humans, animals, and the environment. We will also be involved in education and awareness – in particular having our members explore outside their own major. Development as a professional is important, we will help members learn a systems approach, and how to think about culture, societal beliefs, etc. when forming plans to solve issues. This club will be an affiliate of the Purdue SCAVMA, and work with them closely to achieve the goals of the club.
General members : Members : ###
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Contact : moore999@purdue.edu
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# Graduate and Professional Student Organizations
# Advocacy and Support