If you're interested, find out more at: www.purdueoutingclub.com. GET OUTSIDE!Backpacking, hiking, canoeing, kayaking, mountain biking, or anything else you want to do!NO EXPERIENCE? NO GEAR? NO PROBLEM!We will teach you everything you need to know to get started! HOW TO JOIN:We meet every Monday at 7:00 PM in the Howard Taylor Room in the CoRec. Not required, but fun!The best way to get involved is to join the POC mailing list, which is where we'll send meeting reminders, trip signups, and general announcements. Join it here! (Send that email directly with no subject line) WHERE WE GO:Someone is traveling almost every weekend, and most of us are traveling on long breaks. Our most visited states are Kentucky, Tennessee, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, West Virginia, Colorado, Washington, and Oregon. People in the club have gone as far away as Mexico and Tanzania! You can go as far as you want, and we will give you the skills and equipment you need to get there. HOW TRIPS WORK:1. The trip leader (usually an officer) sends out an email with the trip destination, the planned date, and the desired level of expertise2. Interested POCers commit to going on the trip and check out the gear they need3. Everyone piles into a car with their clothes, gear, and food. Gas is split between each person in the car as well as camping and other trip expenses. This leads to some very cheap trips even with the high gas prices!4. Gear is returned to gear closet as soon as possible GEAR:We've got around $100,000 worth of gear in our gear closet, and we're always buying more! For $30 a year, you get the ability to borrow this gear from us at no extra cost. Check-out periods are typically one or two weeks, but longer periods can be worked out for longer trips. QUESTIONS? COMMENTS?www.purdueoutingclub.comEmail the president, and they'll get back to you right away!President: mahrbeck@purdue.eduVP: tekrem@purdue.eduThanks, and see you soon!