The Wildlife Society (TWS) is an international organization committed to the advancement of wildlife science and management.Activities of the Purdue chapter vary year to year but have a common goal of increasing our members' understanding of wildlife biology, management, and science through hands on experiences and invited speakers. Previous speakers have included professionals from USDA Wildlife Services, the US Fish and Wildlife Service, the Indiana DNR, and Purdue University. Previous activities include building nesting structures for wildlife, a wildlife quiz bowl, and trips to look for birds and amphibians.The field of wildlife biology is an important and diverse field. The Purdue Student Chapter of The Wildlife Society helps educate future professionals on current research and management techniques, provides its members with many opportunities to network with professionals, and educates those members through fun hands-on work in the outdoors.All students interested in wildlife management and research are encouraged to get involved with this great organization!Find us on Facebook and Instagram: @twspurdueOur chapter is associated with the Purdue Department of Forestry and Natural Resources (FNR).FOR MORE INFORMATION CONTACT CELIA PARTON AT THE BELOW E-MAIL