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College Club Logo (Purdue Student Veterans Organization)
Purdue Student Veterans Organization
The Purdue Student Veterans Organization (PSVO) serves as a source of knowledge, support, representation, and camaraderie to any and all military-connected students of Purdue University, West-Lafayette Campus.Mission Statement: In order to assist military veterans, actively serving personnel, and military-connected individuals anorganization will be established to assist members during their time at Purdue University and preparethem for success beyond. The Purdue Student Veterans Organization (PSVO) will be thatorganization. It will offer assistance to prior-service military veterans by allowing a place to aid withthe transition from a military to a civilian lifestyle. It will provide all members with a welcomingspace to socialize. Finally, it will allow military family members a place where they can findcommonality with individuals that are familiar with the military lifestyle. We will accomplish this inthree ways: (1) this organization will assist members in preparing for their future careers byproviding seminars and opportunities for self-improvement, (2) it will provide support for thecommunity and fellow veteran organizations, and (3) this organization will organize social events sothat members can find commonality. The Purdue Student Veterans Organization will also engagewith our fellow students and faculty on an academic level in order to dispel negative stereotypes thatsociety may place on veterans.
General members : Members : ###
 /  Board members :  /  Board : ###
Contact : purdueveterans@gmail.com
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Keywords :
# Advocacy and Support
# Military