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College Club Logo (RoboMaster Club)
RoboMaster Club
RoboMaster Club (RMC) represents Purdue's RoboMaster Competition team. RoboMaster is the first PVP live-firing robotics competition in the world. We develop robots of different types and functions. Participate in tactical battles in the designated battlefield, where participants control their robots to attack enemy’s robots and Base by launching projectiles.Our success at the center will serve as a demonstration of the academic achievements of Purdue STEM majors. We also strive to provide a truly interdisciplinary technical team to Purdue's campus, accepting team members from all academic backgrounds.Below are the interest areas we will be focusing on (in a rough order of priority):Design and construction of fully automated and fully human controlled ground based and aerial robotsDevelopment of artificial intelligenceStrategy (mathematical probability analysis, game theory..)Development of communication systems between robots and between robots and humansWe are also looking for individuals top form a finance/business team where their work would include investor relations, marketing, social media creation and maintenance as well as some other miscellaneous business type tasks.All majors and GPAs are wellcome. All you need to be is a current student in good academic standing. Graduate and PhD level students welcome. Join our discord for meeting times and onboarding process: discord.gg/FCKjrCyFqQ
General members : Members : ###
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Contact : robomaster@purdue.edu
Checkbox (selected) Preferred Skills :
Keywords :
# Automotive / Flight
# Hobby
# Computer and Technical - Based Interest
# Military
# International