Student Chapter of the American Association of Equine Practitioners
We strive to enhance the educational opportunities of the professional students at the college of veterinary medicine they attend; to inform students about veterinary related problems currently affecting the horse industry; and to promote the exchange of professional knowledge among students and practitioners for the advancement of equine health.The student chapter of the American Association of Equine Practitioners (SCAAEP) is active at the vet school. In addition to holding monthly meetings on various topics, there also are several wet labs during the year. The fall wet lab at the Purdue horse farm allows first years to practice venipuncture, second years passing a nasogastric tube, and third years abdominocentesis. Also, Texas A&M hosts a wet lab every January that chapter members may attend. Purdue also hosts an AAEP sponsored wet lab. The topic is yet to be determined, but previous topics have been dentistry and farriery. Equine club vaccinates and de-worms the horses at the Purdue farm. Every other week the club holds rounds in the equine hospital and a clinician, resident, or intern reviews actual cases in the hospital. The equine club is a great organization for students with horse experience, as well as those who have minimal equine exposure and want to gain knowledge and practical experience.