(Notice: Signing up through Boilerlink is not the only step to joining the club. This club requires a paid membership which can be done here: TooCool Payment (Please look at the documents that gives you a step-by-step payment process, send the screenshot of the completed payment to us, NOTE: It might require you to sign in with your Purdue TooCool Account first). Please contact puttc@purdue.edu with any questions you may have. Purdue Table Tennis Club is the place for everyone who loves playing Table Tennis. We welcome all levels of players. We provide an amazing facility for table tennis enthusiasts to showcase their talent recreationally and competitively. As a club, we host two weekly playing sessions at COREC MP5. You can either pay for a day or the club membership which covers the fee for the entire semester. We host tournaments and other playing events as well for people to play throughout the semester. Along with that, we provide a solid platform for all the ambitious players who wish to represent Purdue University at various levels (Divisional, Regional, National) of NCTTA and USATT tournaments. Please reach out to us at puttc@purdue.edu or our Instagram page(@purduetabletennis) for further details and questions. We look forward to you reaching out and being a part of our club. Purdue Table Tennis Club