Purdue University Undergraduate Taiwan Student Association is an official student-based organization sanctioned by the Taiwan Foreign Affairs Office in Chicago as well as Purdue University. Over the past decade, numerous Taiwanese Purdue graduates have participated in our community activities, and it is now our turn to continue the legacy. We welcome you with open arms to TSA, a community that brings Taiwanese students together and makes Purdue a home away from home. Throughout the year, we host various activities to help establish and create a warm and caring atmosphere for us all. Regardless if you are a TSA officer or member, we all have our own unique college and life experiences we can share to help new members and students to have a successful college career here at Purdue. We also encourage mutual learning between members and helping each other to find our suitable paths. We welcome anyone who is interested in Taiwan’s culture to join us. Even if you are unable to join, we also have a lot of information we will gladly share. If you have any questions, be it on life, school-work, leisure, social problems, or sports, TSA will do our best to help you find the answers you are searching for. We hope that you will enthusiastically support each other to progress and create memories together. We wish you an enjoyable and memorable college experience!Your TSA 2023-2024 Officers 普渡大學大學部台灣同學會是經由外交部芝加哥辦事處和普渡大學官方登記的服務性學生社團. TSA 成立至今轉眼也過了十年以上的光陰, 無數於普渡畢業的台灣前輩們都曾參予社團的活動, 薪火相傳.做為凝聚台灣人情誼的團體, 為了能讓台灣人在普渡都能找到心之所向的歸宿, 我們張開雙臂歡迎普渡的朋友們加入我們的行列,在各類的社團活動和朋友聚會下, 一起為台灣人在普渡營造更熱絡, 團結的氣氛.TSA 無論是成員或是幹部們都有各自的一段獨特求學生涯和生活經驗等著要分享, 希望幫助新進成員們有更平順和圓滿的大學生涯. 社員之間, 也經常互相勉勵學習, 幫助彼此找到各自未來的路.我們歡迎所有對台灣學生會有興趣的人一起參予我們, 就算無法加入, 社內也有很多實用的資訊等著傳遞下去.生活, 讀書, 玩樂 , 社交,運動 各領域上, 只要有任何問題, TSA都會竭盡所能幫助大家, 盡善盡美找到答案.希望所有跟TSA有接觸過的朋友們都能在普渡的大學生涯留下深刻印象, 共同營造美好的回憶,發揮人的熱情與熱誠 互相扶持, 互相進步.TSA 2023-2024 Officers 敬啟Official Facebook PageOfficial Facebook Group