Bismillahir Rahmanir RaheemIn the name of God, the Most Gracious, the most MercifulYaseen is a student organization that welcomes all professionals who are interested to learn, practice and/or have conversation about Islam.The YASEEN's mission consists of the following:To organize and promote religious and educational activities pursuant to all faiths of Islam as preached by Prophet Mohammed (S.W.A).To promote and enhance mutual understanding, cooperation and unity among the Muslims, particularly among Shia, Sunni and other branches of Islam in Purdue University.To provide a safe space to mutually overcome misconceptions about Islam, and between Islamic faiths.To create an awareness of the Islamic religion outside of the Islamic community by procuring educational material in English and other languages and to make these available to interested parties.To provide a social atmosphere in which Muslim Purdue students can associate with each other and with professionals, alumni and scholars.To facilitate Islamic education and activities for members and for their children.To disseminate and propagate Islamic knowledge through various means such as: newsletters, magazines, seminars, debates, special courses, social gatherings, workshops, etc.To provide religious services and education, social ceremonies, such as gatherings, ceremonies , and to promote Islamic fundamentals and codes.To raise funds for the purpose of serving the needs of the Muslim community and achieving the objectives set forth by the Prophet Mohammed (S.W.A).To facilitate the observation of Islamic and religious occasions include, but are not limited to daily congregation prayers, Friday prayers, Eid reunions, Muharram and Ramadan gatherings, religious processions, celebrations, deliberations, and other special services.To connect Purdue Muslim alumni to Current Muslim graduate students. "And hold fast, all of you together, to the Rope of Allah and be not divided among yourselves"(Qur’an 3:103)