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College Club Logo (Alpha Phi Omega - Gamma Pi Chapter)
Alpha Phi Omega - Gamma Pi Chapter
Community Service & Volunteering
"Our Fraternity will continue to offer America what it most needs -- future leaders who care, who want to become part of the solution, who know they can make a difference, and who realize that service to others is a value worth sharing."-- Gerald A Schroeder, Past National President, 1990-1994Alpha Phi Omega's service program is four-fold: our projects provide service to the campus, service to the community, service to the chapter (and APO as an organization), and service to the nation. We acheive this goal by providing a wide variety of projects. Some of our most popular projects are the UM vs. OSU Blood Battle, Knitwits, Crafts for Motts, and Passing Notes.The rush process for Alpha Phi Omega is held at the beginning of the fall and winter semesters, and at these times the chapter will hold mass meetings to help inform students about the organization. While this phase of joining the organization is called "rush", it is not very similar to the rush you would participate in for Greek houses -- it is extremely easy and non-competitive.During the week of our mass meeting, we hold a series of rush events, which are open to anyone interested in joining APO (these often include service projects, happy hours, and fellowship events). These give you a chance to get to know members of APO and see if it's something you'd like to be a part of. There is no "bid" selection - anyone who wants to be a member of APO can join. Anyone interested in APO may attend a Pledge Initiation Ceremony to become an APO Pledge Member. The Pledge Initiation Ceremony will be at the beginning of each semester, after rush has ended.Your first semester in APO will be full of opportunities to learn about the organization and find your place in it. That is the essence of the pledge process. You will undergo an initiation ritual, and be assigned to a "big" - an older APO member who will answer any questions you have and help you figure out the ins and outs of APO. You will attend all the same meetings as the Active Brothers do, and you will also attend pledge meetings, which help you get to know other people as well as the history and purpose of APO.Weekly meetings allow pledges to learn about the history of APO, our mission, and our members. During the course of the term, pledges are required to complete service hours as well as other requirements, detailed in full on our pledge requirements page.Check us out on Instagram @apouofmCheck out our website apouofm.com
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Contact : apo.info@umich.edu
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# Service/Service Learning