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College Club Logo (Black Business Undergraduate Society)
Black Business Undergraduate Society
About the Black Business Undergraduate SocietyThe Black Business Undergraduate Society is committed to the professional development of its members. While we first emphasize achievement in the classroom, we secondly emphasize development of effective skills to thrive in professional settings. BBUS provides opportunities of professional learning and growth in various areas such as résumé development, interview preparation, networking, and personal branding.Our Main EventsDiversity Conference (DivCo)During recruiting season at the University of Michigan, the Black Business Undergraduate Society invites a variety of companies to campus for a series of interactive networking sessions and skill-building events where students are exposed to company cultures and opportunities. The goal of the Diversity Conference (DivCo) Career Fair is to provide the minority community with an intimate setting where they can showcase their skills and abilities while discovering their career path.Case CompetitionIn an effort to deliver real-world experience to our members, BBUS hosts a Diversity Case Competition. This annual competition immerses students into strategic learning that will enhance business acumen and enable action-based learning. In addition to receiving coaching on public speaking and strategic planning, teams present their findings to corporate diversity recruiters and professionals, faculty, and audience members. Student teams compete to win a grand prize of $2000. This event is open to all undergraduate students at the University of Michigan.Corporate DinnerIn an effort to thank our corporate sponsors for their dedication to BBUS and provide our members with more opportunity to network, BBUS hosts an annual formal dinner in Ann Arbor. At the Corporate Dinner, our top sponsors have the chance to connect with our members in an intimate dining setting. Prior to this event, BBUS organizes a professionally-guided etiquette dinner to adequately prepare our members for dining in a formal setting.Creating value for our membersCorporate RelationsCompanies such as Goldman Sachs, Google, PwC, and GM have assisted with the development of our members. Throughout the semester, BBUS hosts several events with our sponsors. Presentations range from personal branding to developing technical skills, in order to give our members an advantage in professional settings. There is also an opportunity for a company to host social events to engage and network with our members on a more personal level, and provide insight into the company culture.PhilanthropyBBUS understands that social responsibility is a critical pillar in any business leader’s personal and career development. Each semester, we organize a community service or philanthropy event, offering our members the opportunity to give back.Social AwarenessBBUS understands that we have the responsibility to be aware of, communicate, and advocate for the rights of those underrepresented within the University of Michigan and greater professional world. We focus on the problems of our members and how to solve these within our organizational work.Professional DevelopmentBBUS holds the responsibility to prepare our members for professional situations in the realm of networking, professional documents, interview prep, and on the job professionalism.
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Contact : bbuseboard@umich.edu
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Keywords :
# Graduate/Professional
# Cultural/Ethnic
# Academic/Honor Societies
# Business & Entrepreneurship