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College Club Logo (Black Student Psychological Association)
Black Student Psychological Association
The Black Student Psychological Association (BSPA) is an organization of Black students seeking to enhance the development of Black psychologists, create valid methods and techniques in the investigation of Black people, and in general to promote skills in the application and utilization of psychological principles as they relate to Blacks. The University of Michigan chapter was formed in 1969 to deal mainly with the recruitment and support of Black graduate students and faculty.At its height, membership rose to more than 60 students, and the University of Michigan became a leader in the training of Black Ph.D.'s in Psychology.During the early 1970's, the Department received more than 100 Black applications annually. The Department of Psychology has always entrusted BSPA with the responsibility of reviewing all applications from Black students prior to going to the area admission committees. Through this endeavor, commitment to the support of its members, both socially and academically, as well as an effort to actively recruit and prepare Black undergraduates for graduate study, BSPA became one of the most respected organizations on campus.The BSPA maintains the respect of the University of Michigan by continuing to be an active force in recruitment of graduate students of color in psychology. In addition, the organization continues to provide social and academic support for its members, and also strives to be an active force in the community. Most recently, the organization has begun efforts to strengthen its ties with BSPA alumni. In so doing, the organization aims to both create a viable resource for support and professional socialization and acknowledge the accomplishments of a rich legacy. A large portion of BSPA's strength lies in its history. May the legacy continue.
General members : Members : ###
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Contact : bspaeboard@umich.edu
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Keywords :
# Graduate/Professional
# Cultural/Ethnic
# Academic/Honor Societies