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College Club Logo (Catholic Student Evangelization)
Catholic Student Evangelization
Spiritual & Religious
Catholic Student Evangelization (CSE) is committed to fostering creative, friendly, and non-confrontational evangelism on campus, through which we seek to bring others to Christ and His Church. CSE focuses especially on the following four aspects, or our "pillars":Prayer: raising our hearts and souls to God through various modes, especially the Holy Rosary, for the conversion of campus. This is the foundation for everything we do. Without prayer, we cannot hope to become effective instruments of God's will.Formation: Human, Intellectual, and Spiritual. This happens through weekly co-ed, men's & women's group meetings, spiritual direction, and regular group outings to Catholic young adult social events in the Metro Detroit area.Evangelization: public witness to the truth of Christ and of the Catholic Faith. This often involves handing out rosaries on the Diag, praying with those who ask for it, and engaging in pleasant conversation with those who approach us.Marian Consecration. Club members are encouraged to consecrate themselves “to Jesus through Mary” following a 33-day period of preparation. St. Louis de Montfort called this “the surest, easiest, shortest, and the most perfect means” to become a saint.Club Interest Form: https://forms.gle/M1iyUSxkBjT3Kfyt7Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/umich_cseFacebook: https://www.facebook.com/UMichCatholicStudentEvangelization
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Contact : catholicinfo@umich.edu
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# Religious/Spiritual