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College Club Logo (Chaldean American Student Association)
Chaldean American Student Association
Political & Advocacy
The Chaldean-American Student Association (C.A.S.A), the University of Michigan-Ann Arbor Chapter, is a non-profit organization established to unite all Chaldeans and students of Arab decent at the University of Michigan. The organization's intentions are to assist these students in furthering their education while maintaining a positive representation of the Chaldean community. In addition, our goal is to prevent any type of discrimination and advocate multiculturalism and diversity so that all Chaldean-American students demonstrate that they are caring, responsible, and knowledgeable citizens. Together, we help in benefiting the needs of others in the Metropolitan Detroit Community. Each and every activity or event that C.A.S.A sponsors is in light of preserving the Chaldean culture, history, and language.
General members : Members : ###
 /  Board members :  /  Board : ###
Contact : umcasa@umich.edu
Checkbox (selected) Preferred Skills :
Keywords :
# Activism
# Cultural/Ethnic
# Service/Service Learning
# Health & Wellness