Corazones Unidos Siempre, Chi Upsilon Sigma, National Latin Sorority Incorporated
Political & Advocacy
We, the members of, Chi Upsilon Sigma National Latin Sorority, Incorporated, aware of the prejudices and obstacles facing the minority women of our communities, dedicate ourselves to improving these conditions and to working towards the betterment of all women. We have unified ourselves through the sisterhood of Corazones Unidos Siempre and by our Founders’ ideals of open communication and community service, as well as the development of political, educational, cultural, and social awareness. We devote ourselves to this challenge, to be achieved through hard work, patience, and the collective effort to educate, as is exemplified in our motto, ‘Wisdom Through Education’. We commit ourselves to Educating, Elevating, and Empowering all Women:To develop an educational, cultural, political, and social awareness;To open lines of communications in order to service the community;To promote and preserve the Latino culture;To provide women with a choice among Greek letter sororities.