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College Club Logo (Cost Assistance for Resilient Engineers)
Cost Assistance for Resilient Engineers
Political & Advocacy
CARE is a team of engineering students motivated by their own experiences to create options for fellow students in need of financial support. As a College of Engineering Sponsored Student Organization, CARE helps to raise funds for the endowment through initiatives targeting alumni, corporations, current students, and their families. All donations to the University of Michigan for the CARE Scholarship Fund are gift receipted by the University of Michigan and are tax deductible. The College of Engineering recognizes that each year some Engineering students find themselves in need of $5,000 to $10,000 in order to be able to continue with their studies. This may be as a result of emergency financial circumstances, such as a parent’s loss of a job, a severe illness in a student’s family, etc. CARE’s goal is to create a $1.5 million endowment maintained by the College of Engineering that will generate $67,500 in scholarships per year.
General members : Members : ###
 /  Board members :  /  Board : ###
Contact : care.team@umich.edu
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Keywords :
# Science/Technology/Engineering
# Activism
# Service/Service Learning
# Health & Wellness

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