In Washtenaw County, around 1/3 of homeless people are children. These homeless children are 9 times more likely to repeat a grade and 4 times more likely to drop out compared to a student with a stable home. In End the Cycle, we are dedicated to creating equal opportunities for all, with the goal of bridging the gap in educational inequity. We provide educational services in the form of after-school tutoring, college application help, standardized test prep, and mentorship to students from lower socioeconomic backgrounds.Members of ETC can be a tutor (where you tutor underserved students on zoom based on your schedule), and they can also join committees. We have committees dedicated to fundraising/donations, social media/advocacy, educational resource creation, and programming/workshops that anyone can join. Committee members do not need to apply to join, and projects are up to the committee to decide what to pursue. Past projects include: refugee/immigrant english program, juvenile court after school program, summer program, thanksgiving fundraiser for homeless students, etc. For more information, please visit our website: